One of my co-workers said to me today that he hasn’t received a feed from my website in a while. I guess that means I haven’t made any updates in some time. I’ve got quite a few other things going on, but I do need to complete this tack trunk project and I know you are all waiting to see the final product so I’ll try and step up the pace some 🙂 .

Bandage Wrap Holder Model

Bandage Wrap Holder Model

I had a small set back in the design of the removable bandage wrap holder and I had to make some adjustments. The width and height of the wrap holder had to be increased to accommodate the storing of 4 standing wraps in the long side of the holder. I also wanted the wrap holder to be stored in the lid of the tack trunk, but didn’t want to have to build some elaborate mechanism to hold it while the lid was closed. After some trials in modeling the design (using sketch-up) I came up with a redesigned wrap holder and securing hardware that I think is very simple and ingenious.

I extended the length of the front and back panels of the wrap holder to create a set of rails that could be used to hold the wrap holder in the lid. To prevent the wrap holder from moving side to side while stored but to also allow it be be secured and removed easily I added an oak strip to the left side side of the lid support. This strip acts as a stop when securing the wrap holder in the lid. In this oak strip I will inset some rare earth magnets and have some corresponding screws added to the wrap holder so that the magnets will keep the wrap holder from sliding out of the support mechanism.

Tack Trunk Model with wrap holder

Tack Trunk Model with wrap holder

I’m currently assembling the wrap holder using the new design I should have it ready for staining by the end of the weekend. Stay tuned (I promise the next update will be more timely).