I’ve started work on the tack trunk design using my favorite woodworking design tool, SketchUp. Here’s a first look at what I’ve come up with so far based on the requirements I set forth in my last post.

The panels for the top and bottom are 3/4″ oak plywood. The side panels are 1/2″ oak plywood and the trim is 3/4″ oak. I’m hoping to design the tack trunk so that most of the materials are readily available at any of the major box stores. I’m still working on determining the exact size of the tack trunk so that it will be able to store everything that’s needed, but not make it so big that it can’t be moved easily.

Other Tack Trunk Design Work

Along with creating the tack trunk design, I’m also working on:

  • A removable bandage/polo wrap holder that can be stored in the lid.
  • The interior compartments of the tack trunk
  • A removable grooming tote.

Much more to come … Enjoy the ride!