Kyserike Kraftman's Workshop Blog

Removable Wrap Holder for the Tack Trunk

By |March 16th, 2009

I'm creating a removable wrap and bandage holder for the tack trunk that I am designing for my daughter. This is a view of the SketchUp design. The wrap holder has two compartments. The smaller one is 6 inches wide and 3 inches deep. The larger compartment will be 12 inches long and 3 inches deep. Both compartments will be approximately 12 inches high. Do these dimensions seem reasonable for bandage, standing wrap and polo wrap storage ?

Tack Trunk Design – First Look

By |March 11th, 2009

I've started work on the tack trunk design using my favorite woodworking design tool, SketchUp. Here's a first look at what I've come up with so far based on the requirements I set forth in my last post.

Tack Trunk Requirements – New Project

By |March 10th, 2009

The next major project for the Kyserike Kraftsman is to build a tack trunk for my daughter. I've tried searching online, but there aren't many woodworking plans available for a tack trunk that I like so I'm planning on creating my own. I've been thinking about how to build this tack trunk for a while but now I think it's time to start to get serious and begin documenting the design. I'll start by making a list of the tack trunk requirements.

Jewelry Box (December 2008)

By |January 11th, 2009

I created this jewelery Box as a gift for my sister for Christmas 2008. It’s made from black walnut (like all my other family gifts) and again I used the proven Danish Oil wipe on poly finish. This was my first attempt at something so small and the difficulty with crafting at this dimension is amazing. Every little misalignment, miss-cut, or miss- measurement is magnified when you are working with a project at this scale.

If you are interested in making one of these for someone special you can find the plans here.

Craftsman Pride Tool Chest (December 2008)

By |January 11th, 2009

This was a gift to my brother for Christmas 2008. I truly enjoyed creating this piece. It uses a frame and panel type of construction for the back and front that I really like and plan on using on the tack trunk that I’m currently designing and building.The Chest is made from black walnut with two coats of Danish Oil and 2 coats of wipe on poly.

If you would like to get the plans for the chest they are available at