I haven’t made an update in some time, but that doesn’t mean that it’s all quiet and dark in the workshop :-).

I’m still working on designing my daughter’s tack trunk, hopefully within the next few weeks I’ll complete the design and start building. I’ll keep you updated on the progress on the Projects under Construction page.

I needed some cabinets in the workshop to store some of the finishing supplies and to also make some use of that French Cleat that I put up. I didn’t want to spend a lot of time making some beautiful kitchen grade cabinets and I also wanted to use up some of the wood I had lying around the workshop so I used the particle board from my old entertainment system to create the cabinets quickly. I’ve got one completed and hanging on the cleat. I’ll add some pictures to the web site after I complete the other two cabinets.

I’ve made quite a few updates recently to the web site and there are many more in the works. There is an updated links page with the addition of a new Sketchup link category. Some great articles on how to use Sketchup for woodworking. I’ve added the Lingerie and Jewelry Chest to the completed projects page along with a slideshow of shots of the completed chest and a slideshow of some of the shots of the project during the build. I’ve also spent a considerable amount of time just cleaning up the HTML for the site, but I still have much more to do.

Things to look for in the future ….

  • An update to the Completed Projects page to make navigation of the projects easier.
  • An image map for the workshop to highlight the machines and major tools that I use.
  • Hopefully a webcam added to the Workshop page so you can see what I’m up to at that moment.