Wrap Holder Woodworking Plan
This bandage wrap holder was created as an accessory to the tack trunk that I created. The plan is very detailed with step by step instructions, a material list, detailed diagrams, and a few photos of the build.
The wrap holder contains storage for both bandage wraps and longer size standing wraps. It's a simple design made of ½” and ¼” hardwood that any woodworker or carpenter with moderate experience could easily build in a weekend.
The wrap holder was designed to be a removable accessory for the tack trunk that I created. It can be stored in the lid of the tack trunk but it can also be easily hung on a wall in a stable or stand alone by itself.
This detailed plan includes step by step instructions, a material list, and detailed diagrams of the construction.
Click the image below to download a few sample pages from the woodworking plan.